


VR技術を使ったお化け屋敷を展示します!!! Oculus Riftを使い、展示スペース内だけで広いお化け屋敷を体験することができます!!! もしかしたら、あなたの描いた絵がお化けとなって登場するかも!? VR技術をふんだんに利用した次世代のアトラクション、ぜひお越しください!!!

Come and see our ghost house that fully utilizes VR technologies. With the full-fledged Oculus Rift, we are all set to provide you with an opportunity to enjoy a spacious haunted house in our suffocating exhibition booth. Chances are your drawing can turn into a real ghost! We hope you will pay a visit to our cutting-of-the-edge attraction. It is nothing else but VR technologies that have made it possible.