Interverse Virtual Reality Challenge (IVRC)
IVRC has been a challenge for teams of students to plan and produce interactive works since 1993, and has changed drastically to create the next generation of VR community in 2020 when the environment surrounding VR has changed dramatically.
From International to Interverse
– For us, the “real” is no longer a contrast between the physical world (universe) and the information world (metaverse), but it is a concept in which all worlds are fused together (interverse). How will VR evolve in such an era? We are looking for challenges that go beyond the traditional concept of VR.
From Contest to Challenge
– The potential of VR has expanded beyond mere technology to include every part of our society and culture. In such an era, we are creating a place to evaluate challenges from various perspectives, instead of the conventional contest where the teams are ranked in order.
IVRC is a community that creates a new world
– IVRC is a community of people who are willing to take on the challenge of something unknown, something that only you can imagine, and deliver it to the people. Various people around IVRC will support your challenge.
Greeting from the Executive Committee Chair